Saturday 3 December 2011

Dissertation Disasters? Just plan it!

So, it seems from hearing from many of my fellow final year university students, dissertations seems to be a massive stress and weight on everyone's shoulders. But to be honest, I really just don't feel the same.

It's time consuming yes, but it doesn't have to be stressful. I admit I believe the majority of my laid back attitude towards this is that I've given it all to God in prayer but for those of you reading this that may not have the same faith here are some practical tips to getting your literature review sorted (though I think prayer is the best cure for anything :p )


  1. Get your head around your dissertation. There is no point in trying to put your knowledge onto paper when there’s no structure to it. Using what you have learnt already from lessons and research, think about the arguments you are trying to make and how you can argue this strongly.
  2. Once you’ve got your head around it, write it down. Write what kind of areas you want to explore within your main question. Know what you’re looking for before you look for it. For example my dissertation is about Christian journalists and whether Christianity and journalism are compatible, so some of my areas are: conflict of interest, objectivity and freedom of expression.
  3. Read through academic sources and find quotes that relate to the sections and questions you have outlined in part two.
  4. Using the above quotes, start writing up your different sections. As you go through, jot down what other information you could do with having to make your argument stronger.
  5. Go back to the books to find the quotes you said you wanted in part four.
  6. Add these to what you’ve got in your essay so far.
  7. Put all your sections together so that they flow well.
  8. Edit your copy several times to make sure it's the best standard it could be.
This may not work for everyone, but sometime getting yourself organised can go a long way- and this way helped me!

Saturday 15 January 2011

Price of Weddings is outrageous!

It's been such a long time since I've posted anything up here, I would like to say it's because I have such a busy and interesting life. But, right now things seem to be going quite slowly. I've got a lot of work to do but time just drags on. I guess it's like they say time flys when your having fun and drags when you're looking forward to something. Well I'm definately looking forward to something.
I got engaged about five months ago now. My fiance and I are looking to get married in November next year and I can't wait!
We get a lot of comments about being young, and I know how cheesy it sounds but I figures when you've found the person you want to spend your life with, why wait? Well, Jack and I have to wait a little while seeing as we go to university at opposite sides of the counrty but you know what I mean.
Age is only a number afterall. People always say to the older generation that you're only as old as you feel. I feel about 28 I'd say, I don't feel like I'd be loosing out on life by getting married young. In fact I feel that I would be gaining a lot more from it.
However, there is one thing that shocked my young mind about this adult step and that's just how expensive weddings are! Luckily I'm quite good with money and have found some good deals and way around forking out a lot of cash. But it seems that as soon as you add the word 'wedding' to anything it seems to at least treble the price of it.
If I could give any tip to any other young brides out there it's DIY! Afterall, your wedding is just one day of your life, it's the marriage that will last a lifetime. As for me, I'm looking forward to the lifetime bit :)