Tuesday 28 July 2009

The Greastest Gift

I find it strange how some people need to be in a room full of others whose every spec of attention if placed on them. I find it even stranger that that's when I feel most alone. I need just one person to stop me from feeling alone. One person who I know genuinely cares about me. Actually, I don't even need that. I just need words, words of my own, words of others, words written or words spoken. A picture or a video. Anything that conveys a memory or a meaning, a feeling or builds a foundation. Words are after all the foundation of life.
I'm doing some work experience at a local paper at the moment. I'm in a newsroom and all around me I can hear people talking about their latest piece, phones ringing, fingers typing and all of it forms words. Words that help us communicate, words that give us knowledge. We were given an amazing gift when we were given words. And, for this gift we should be thankful and we should give in return while using it wisely. We should use our words to spread goodness and happiness and to spread the truth as we know it.

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