Monday 2 February 2009

Snow Day :-)

It's a snow day. It's beautiful outside, but it's a shame in a sense because it seems that the only reasonably warm place is in my bed! It's strange, you get blinded by the beauty of what it looks like- just a completely blank canvas, it makes you feel like you can do anything and achieve anything in life.
Then when you think about it, pratically all it does is prevent life from moving on, everything stops and the pace slows. It can have a different effect on people I suppose, for some it's just nice to ecsape their hostile life, yet, for others it's a barrier which stops them from doing what they need to do.
I don't know how I feel about the snow at the moment. There hasn't been a beautiful white layer like this in Essex since I was a child, so it's makes me happy- takes me back to a time when there was nothing to worry about. Then again, when I bring myself back to the present day it's caused me to be unable to get on with so much I should be doing... College was cancelled, and to be fair I only had one lesson today but it's still my education and I need to do well becuase I want to get into Uni. Speaking of which I have an interview tomorrow for univeristy, which I am rather nervous about- I really want to get into this one.

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