Tuesday 3 February 2009

Where do I start?

The last two days have been manic!
I ended up having to force myself through the snow to get to the train station to make it half way up the country for an interview- which, to put it nicely, didn't go too well.
It gets you thinking, I mean I'm 17 and I'm put under so much pressure to do well- whether that's someone else putting me under it or me almost forcing it on myself (which I am quite well known for to be honest) I don't know. There are so many options and so much responsibility I have to be working out for myself at the moment, that's what I keep telling myself- but I keep forgetting that I'm a college student, and there's no point in me even thinking about University if I don't do well in college.
So what am I worrying about now? My mind is filled with so much confusion- and as hard as it is for me to say it, I just need to calm down a bit... Yeah like that's gonna happen.

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