Sunday 31 May 2009

Is It All Down Hill From Here?

Life is a strange thing. It's full of change and unexpected surprises, and I think it's pretty safe to say they are not always good ones. I suppose it's just part of growing up, having to learn to deal with all of these changes and constantly being able to adapt yourself and tolerate everything that goes around you... I think I'm finding that a bit hard at the moment. It's a shame that you have life so easy as a kid and you can't even appreciate it becuase you don't have to worry about all the things that affect you when you go into the real world. Things just seem to get worse as you get older. Are things all down hill from here?

Tuesday 19 May 2009


I passed my driving test today :)
It's strange how that even without the car, somehow, knowing that you've been given the responsibility of a license makes you feel so free. I looked in the mirror when I got home and felt grown up... it's silly, I know. But, it's a good thing, I'm going to have to grow up very quickly over the next few months.
Freedom. Growing up. Both I suppose are rather relevant, they all play a big part in everyone's life. People are always growing up, but they can never be truly free. If you think about it, everyone will always be bound by some form of constraint- whether that's for an internal or external reason is besides the point.
The UK is meant to be a liberal democracy...what a load- nowadays we can't do anything without being watched, CCTV, ID tags, DNA databases. The government will say it's for our own protection, and to some extent I can agree with that, but is the sacrifice worth it? Day in , day out, we're being watched by someone, the only place we can know we're safe is in our own homes, and how long will that guarantee last? I'm glad that the government say they have out safety at heart, but there's something inside of me which doubts their intentions, for all we know they could always have a bigger plan. Then, I think- isn't it sad that the world and the people in it have become so immoral that we need to put all of these intrusions in place just so we can walk down the street feeling secure in the fact that if we do get attacked, there would probably- but still not definitely- be justice. What happened to the good old days?

Sunday 17 May 2009


They say that these are meant to be the best years of our lives. I think the people who say that have forgot what it's like to be a teenager, to be stuck inbetween what everyone is telling you what is right and you figuring it out for yourself. Everyone says, they do it for your protection- they don't want to see you make the same mistakes as they made. But sometimes you have to make those mistakes so you can learn from them yourself. I think it's strange how people feel they have a right to comment on your actions and your life, to tell you what to do claiming they know whats best for you when the only person who really can know what's best for you is you. Well.... that's what i thought. I love the fact that I can live happily knowing that there is a bigger plan for me, and knowing that everything happens for a reason, so why do I worry about whether what I'm doing is right or not?


I guess I'm at that age where nothing can remain static, and change is just something I'll have to get used to. Last time I wrote, which was only a few moths ago, I thought my life was so unpredictable...I had no idea. And in just another few short months I'll have to pick up as much of my life as I can, and move it all away and start a new life as a University student. Assuming I pass my A levels that is.
At the start of 2009, I had a plan, and I really did think my life would follow that plan, but, in almost a matter of weeks, every part of that plan had changed. All that started the first time when I really did spread my wings, I went to New York on a trip with the performing arts department at my college. I think it was there I really found myself. I was pulled away from all of the pressures at home and I could find out who I really was and where I really belonged in life. It wasn't what I thought it was. And, although that move pulled me out of my roots and threw me into a sea of unknown oppotunities, it was the right thing to do.
I'm not tied down by anything at the moment. The direction of my life and my relationships have changed rather drastically, but I've found who I am again. I'm not someone who can live their life by other peoples limits and structures- I create my own. And In my life, there are no limits.