Sunday 17 May 2009


I guess I'm at that age where nothing can remain static, and change is just something I'll have to get used to. Last time I wrote, which was only a few moths ago, I thought my life was so unpredictable...I had no idea. And in just another few short months I'll have to pick up as much of my life as I can, and move it all away and start a new life as a University student. Assuming I pass my A levels that is.
At the start of 2009, I had a plan, and I really did think my life would follow that plan, but, in almost a matter of weeks, every part of that plan had changed. All that started the first time when I really did spread my wings, I went to New York on a trip with the performing arts department at my college. I think it was there I really found myself. I was pulled away from all of the pressures at home and I could find out who I really was and where I really belonged in life. It wasn't what I thought it was. And, although that move pulled me out of my roots and threw me into a sea of unknown oppotunities, it was the right thing to do.
I'm not tied down by anything at the moment. The direction of my life and my relationships have changed rather drastically, but I've found who I am again. I'm not someone who can live their life by other peoples limits and structures- I create my own. And In my life, there are no limits.

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