Tuesday 19 May 2009


I passed my driving test today :)
It's strange how that even without the car, somehow, knowing that you've been given the responsibility of a license makes you feel so free. I looked in the mirror when I got home and felt grown up... it's silly, I know. But, it's a good thing, I'm going to have to grow up very quickly over the next few months.
Freedom. Growing up. Both I suppose are rather relevant, they all play a big part in everyone's life. People are always growing up, but they can never be truly free. If you think about it, everyone will always be bound by some form of constraint- whether that's for an internal or external reason is besides the point.
The UK is meant to be a liberal democracy...what a load- nowadays we can't do anything without being watched, CCTV, ID tags, DNA databases. The government will say it's for our own protection, and to some extent I can agree with that, but is the sacrifice worth it? Day in , day out, we're being watched by someone, the only place we can know we're safe is in our own homes, and how long will that guarantee last? I'm glad that the government say they have out safety at heart, but there's something inside of me which doubts their intentions, for all we know they could always have a bigger plan. Then, I think- isn't it sad that the world and the people in it have become so immoral that we need to put all of these intrusions in place just so we can walk down the street feeling secure in the fact that if we do get attacked, there would probably- but still not definitely- be justice. What happened to the good old days?

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