Sunday 14 June 2009

Can Not Be Normal

It's driving me crazy! -Yes I am about to go on a rant...
I feel myself bubbling with rage every time I think of peoples priorities nowadays. I know where I want to go in life- and I'm doing to make damn sure I get there no matter how hard I have to work. I can't understand why I seem to surround myself with people that just don't care. I love my friends, I really do, but we're getting to an age where, okay we can legally drink (well not quite for me, but still) but, we really need to be focusing on our future if we ever want to make something of ourselves. You can't go through life without working, it's so simple. I hate that I can see people I love throwing their lives away for the fun of the moment but it does them no favours in the long term of life.
I'm lucky I have my boyfriend at the moment. We haven't been together long but he's had such an impact on my life and it's all for the better. He helps me see that I may not be normal but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
I hate that people look down on me for my beliefs and just for being the way I am in general. Yes, I am a Christian- but that doesn't mean I'm some crazy obsessive person who tries to force my views on other people. So why am I judged for something I keep personal to myself. No, I don't like drinking. That's not to say I've never done it, but I'd rather not get so out of my face I end up making a fool of myself and end up looking like an idiot all over face book. I'd rather someone know me as me rather than doing something outrageous at a party. I've made mistakes and, although I find it hard, I can admit that. But, the important thing is I learn from them and I like to think I'm making myself a better person after everyone. I can't stand it when people say they will change and they will make things better when they just don't follow through. I may just give up.
What's more important in your life? Looking after yourself because you know you can do well if you work hard, or keep fighting for what may be a lost cause?
Teenagers are presented in such a bad image these days. I'd much rather be someone who proves people wrong with this stereotype than someone who enforces it. It such basic logic, but if I'm the only one who can see it- does that make me the one in the wrong?

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