Sunday 14 June 2009

Lessons To Learn

Life is a hard thing... It's just a constant learning curve- but that's what makes it interesting. I never feel fulfilled at the end of a day unless I know I have learnt something new.
I learnt today that it's okay to have been wrong in the past. Someone told me that everyone makes mistakes and everyone gives in sometimes, I knew that already, but he made it make sense. He told me I should admit my wrongs- tell someone about my mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a great but dangerous thing. It's great because when you can forgive, you will never be bitter at heart, and when you are forgiven yourself, you should be able to learn from your faults and appreciate how life is teaching you something new. As Alexander Pope said 'To err is human, to forgive, divine'.
But, the danger lies when people take advantage of constant forgiveness, a lesson can only be learnt when people accept what they have done as being wrong and know not to repeat their actions.
I have learnt from my mistakes, and I am thankful that I can be allowed to live the rest of my life without the regret of them mistakes hanging over me.
I find it very hard to admit when I'm wrong, and I find it even harder to say I'm sorry. I used to see it as a sign of weakness. Things had happened to me that led me to believe that certain actions would lead to me getting hurt. I was wrong there too. Although, that part of my history may always be with me to some extent, I am now going to try my hardest to live my life that admitting fault is not wrong nor is it a weakness. In fact, admitting fault is admitting truth- and nothing will ever make you stronger than knowing the truth.

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